
2020年9月1日—VideoAuthenticatorwascreatedusingapublicdatasetfromFaceForensic++andwastestedontheDeepFakeDetectionChallengeDataset,both ...,2024年5月23日—Overthepastfewmonths,Microsofthastakenanumberofstepstofulfilourcommitmentsandlaunchednewtoolsandactionstostayaheadof ...,2020年9月7日—微軟近日宣稱最新研發的Deepfake偵測工具,可有效幫助用戶辨識假資訊,目前已經與多家媒體合作,保護美國大選期間免受...

New Steps to Combat Disinformation

2020年9月1日 — Video Authenticator was created using a public dataset from Face Forensic++ and was tested on the DeepFake Detection Challenge Dataset, both ...

Addressing the deepfake challenge ahead of the European ...

2024年5月23日 — Over the past few months, Microsoft has taken a number of steps to fulfil our commitments and launched new tools and actions to stay ahead of ...

微軟推出Deepfake 偵測工具,防假影片攪亂美國大選

2020年9月7日 — 微軟近日宣稱最新研發的Deepfake 偵測工具,可有效幫助用戶辨識假資訊,目前已經與多家媒體合作,保護美國大選期間免受假消息的威脅。


一個主要問題是Deepfake,或稱之為合成內容,它們由人工智慧(AI)以難以偵測的方式變造照片、影片或音訊文件,讓人們說出自己不曾說過的東西,或者出現在自己不曾去過的 ...

微軟推出虛擬主播服務Deepfakes Creator

2023年11月17日 — 微軟Microsoft Ignite 2023 大會中推出的一款新工具「Deepfakes Creator」,使用Azure AI Speech 的功能生成逼真的真人影片。你只需要上傳你的形象並 ...

Microsoft teases easy video deepfake tool, declines to ...

2024年4月22日 — Microsoft is the latest tech giant to tease an AI product so good at producing deepfake humans that it poses a threat to real ones.

Microsoft's New AI Makes Deepfakes from a Single Photo

2024年4月23日 — Microsoft just debuted an AI model that can deepfake you from a single photo. The model is called VASA-1. In a research paper, Microsoft ...

What are Deepfakes?

What is a Deepfake? A deepfake is a fraudulent piece of content—typically audio or video—that has been manipulated or created using artificial intelligence.

Microsoft teases deepfake AI that's too powerful to release

2024年4月20日 — Microsoft's team acknowledge as much in their announcement, which explains the technology is not being released due to ethical considerations.